API Documentation.

At present the API is only handling the following calls:

  • Follow Age

  • Features that have been request and accepted into development:

  • Spotify Now Playing
  • Fortnite Stats

  • API URL's

    In order to ensure the best service is offered, right now I am only offering a personalised API functionality. If you are interested please contact me. There will be a public API at some point in the future but I need to manage expectations and API call limits in the mean time.

    API URL's will all start as follows:


    If parameters are required for the API call the a "?" should be used prior to providing the parameters. Each set of parameters should be seperated by a "&".

    Follow Age

    The followage URL should be contructed as follows:


    The Follow Age API call requires 2 parameters:

    Parameter Value Purpose
    command followage Instruct the API Handler to know what you want to do
    follower Twitch User id Direct the follow age to the user in question